Research in Progress 2020

Research in Progress

Research in Progress 2020

Saturday 29 February 2020 - 9.30 to 17.15
Shulman Auditorium, The Queen's College, Oxford

Research in Progress is an annual meeting of the British Society for the History of Mathematics. It provides an opportunity for research students in any area of the history of mathematics to present their work to a friendly and supportive audience.

A link to the full programme (including abstracts) can be found at the bottom of this page.

You can sign up for the event via Eventbrite.  If you would prefer to pay the registration fee by cash or cheque on the day of the meeting, please email to register your intention to attend (for catering purposes).

09:30 - Arrival and registration

09:50 - Welcome

10:00 - Brigitte Stenhouse (The Open University): Conjuring the ‘Spirit of Laplace’; The Analytical Works of Mary Somerville (1780–1872)

10:30 - Jan Makovský (Czech Academy of Sciences): Learning Mathematics in XVIIIth and Early XIXth Century Bohemia

11:00 - Gianluca Longa (Université Clermont Auvergne): “The Hidden Analysis”: On the Spread of the Analytic Method in Greek Geometry

11:30 - Coffee

12:00 - Meredith Houlton (University of St Andrews): The Elements of Geometry, by William Sanders

12:15 - Nicholas Michel (Université de Paris, SPHERE): Zero will tear us apart: Negative Numbers, Geometrical Exactness, and the Applicability of Algebra in 19th-century French Mathematics

12:45 - Alison Maidment (The Open University): The Edinburgh Mathematical Laboratory and E. T. Whittaker’s Role in the Development of Numerical Analysis in Britain

13:15 - Lunch in the Magrath Room

14:00 - Tobias Schütz (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz): Albert Einstein and Projective Geometry

14:30 - Joseph Bennet (Maynooth University): Grand Prix des Sciences Mathématiques, 1882

15:00 - Eduardo Dorrego López (Universidad de Sevilla): A Glimpse of the Different Phases in the Development of the Mathematical Concept of Transcendence 

15:30 - Tea

16:00 - Alice Jenkins (University of Glasgow): Invited Lecture: Euclid in Victorian Literature

17:15 - Close of meeting


Programme and abstracts

PDF icon rip2020-programme_24jan20.pdf
