BSHM Christmas Meeting
BSHM Christmas Meeting
A ‘History of Mathematics’ Day
An eclectic mix of interesting historical mathematical issues
Held jointly with the Birmingham and Midlands Institute, Margaret Street, Birmingham, B3 3BS
Saturday 5 December 2015 1030 - 1700
1000: Registration downstairs in the John Lee Theatre
and Coffee upstairs in the BMI Coffee lounge
1030: Introduction and welcome by Philip Beeley, BSHM President
1035: ‘A Century of Graph Theory’ by Robin Wilson
Robin Wilson is past president of BSHM, emeritus Professor of Mathematics at the Open University, a world authority on Graph Theory and author of many mathematical books.
1115: ‘Invisible in the Storm: the role of mathematics in the development of numerical weather prediction’ by Ian Roulstone.
Ian Roulstone is Professor of Mathematics in the Department of Engineering and Earth Sciences, University of Surrey, and was formally a research scientist with the Met Office. He has written several books on the topic. He is a regular contributor to The Huffington Post
1155: ‘The curious evolution of mathematical dictionaries’ by Michael Hoare.
Michael Hoare is emeritus reader in Theoretical Physics at the University of London.
1235 -1345: Lunch
1345: ‘Integrating historical content in MATHSWORLDuk - a proposed visitor attraction’ by Margaret Brown.
Margaret Brown is emeritus Professor of Mathematics Education at Kings College, London.
1415: Two short BSHM members talks
a) ‘Ancient Mathematics and Contemporary Numeracy – using the history of mathematics in adult and further education’ by David Kaye.
b) ‘How Napier discovered Logarithms’ by Peter Griffiths
1455: ‘A very short introduction to the new joint Portuguese MA/BSHM Mathematical Stamp website’ by Robin Wilson
1505: Tea
1520: ‘Villain of Steam, A Life of Dionysius Lardner’ by Anna Martin
Anna Martin is the Librarian at the Cambridge Medical Library and author of a recent book on Dionysius Lardner, the 19th century Irish scientific author, and protagonist of Brunel.
1600: ‘Reinventing the wheel: when a second proof is (at least) as significant as the first’ by Vicky Neale
Vicky Neale is Whitehead Lecturer in the Mathematical Institute, Oxford, and at Balliol College. Further she is very much engaged in delivering popular public lectures. She has been presenter and guest on a number of Radio Four programmes dealing with mathematical issues.
Organiser: Richard Simpson, Hon Sec, BSHM
Fee £25 for BSHM/ BMI members (£30 for non-members) and £10 for Students: this includes coffee and good standard buffet-style lunch. The Student concession is intended for young people on Higher Education courses. Pre-registration is required to .
Fee payable, preferably in cash, on the door on the day. (Cheques are acceptable, but not cards – there are many cash machines in the vicinity.)