History of Mathematics and Flight
History of Mathematics and Flight
A day of talks about the history of mathematics and flight. Flight will be broadly conceived to cover the flight of man-made objects and animals, flight formation, navigation and control.
The day will include a free tour of the Concorde flight deck. Registration link is at the bottom of the page.
Provisional Programme:
Programme and abstracts 170622.pdf
10.00 Registration
10.10 Welcome
10.15 Kate Hindle (St Andrews): D'Arcy Thompson and flight
10.35 Concorde Flight Deck tour followed by Coffee
11.30 Jane Wess (Independent): Benjamin Robins: Elegant Mathematics Versus Experimental Inconvenience?
12.10 Deborah Kent (St Andrews): A champion’s counterexample? PG Tait and the flight of a golf ball
12.50 Lunch Break (lunch not provided, but there is a café and a picnic area in the Runway Visitor Park)
14.00 Isobel Falconer (St Andrews): James Bell Pettigrew: reasoning by precise drawing?
14.20 Jim Boyd (Essex), Gareth Roberts (Bangor) and Alwyn Owens (Bangor): Stability in Theory, in the Laboratory and in the Air: William Ellis Williams’ Campaign for Proof Positive (1904-1914)
15.00 Tea
15.30 Tony Royle (Open): When the Numbers Don’t Add Up!
16.30 Finish