Journal Table of Contents

Journal Table of Contents

As an alternative to the presentation on the Taylor & Francis website, this is a table of contents for the British Journal for the History of Mathematics (and its predecessors) between 2004 and 2022. Contents are presented in chronological order.

Editorials, letters to the editor and Society News are omitted, with the exception of obituaries.

Volume 19 Issue 1 (2004) (= Bulletin 1)


Roger Thatcher, ‘Mathematics in a non-academic life’ [address to the BSHM Christmas meeting 13 December 2003]

Walter Ledermann, ‘Issai Schur's posthumous notes on elementary number theory edited and translated by Walter Ledermann with an introduction by Peter M Neumann’ [also issued as a supplement]

Hilary Mason, ‘J E A Steggall: teaching mathematics 1880–1933’


Andrew Warwick, Masters of Theory: Cambridge and the Rise of Mathematical Physics, 572pp., The University of Chicago Press, 2003. ISBN 0-226-87374-9 (cloth), 226-87374-7 (paper). Reviewed by Alex D D Craik.

Martin Campbell-Kelly, Mary Croarken, Raymond Flood and Eleanor Robson (eds.), The History of Mathematical tables – From Sumer to Spreadsheets, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003, 372 pages, ISBN 0-19-850841-7. Reviewed by Robin Wilson.


Volume 19 Issue 2 (2004) (= Bulletin 2)


Tom Whiteside, ‘Personal reminiscences of Adolf Prag’

Alex D D Craik and Gloria Edwards, ‘In search of Thomas Knight’


Steve Russ, ‘David Fowler: An appreciation given at his funeral on 23 April 2004’

Steve Russ, Eleanor Robson, Rona Epstein and David Epstein, ‘David Fowler: Historian of ancient mathematics’ [reprinted by permission from The Independent]


Patricia Fara, Pandora’s Breeches: Women, science and power in the Enlightenment, London: Pimlico, 2004, ISBN 1-8441-3082-7, £12.50. Reviewed by Jeremy Gray.

Sanford L. Segal, Mathematicians under the Nazis, Princeton University Press, 2003, 530 pages, price £52.95, ISBN 0-691-00451. Reviewed by Walter Ledermann.

‘One Hundred Years of L’Enseignement Mathématique: some reflections on the teaching of geometry’. An essay review of Daniel Coray et al., One Hundred Years of L’Enseignement Mathématique: Moments of Mathematical Education in the Twentieth Century, Monograph 39 of L’Enseignement Mathématique, Geneva, 2003. Reviewed by Chris Weeks.


Volume 19 Issue 3 (2004) (= Bulletin 3)


George M Phillips, ‘A C Aitken: mathematician, soldier, and musician’

John Prag, ‘The life of Adolf Prag’  

Mark Henderson, ‘Science Museum Library’


A W F Edwards, Cogwheels of the mind. The story of Venn diagrams, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London 2004; ISBN 08018-7434-3, pp.xvi + 110, £14. Reviewed by Peter M Neumann.

Peter Aughton, The transit of Venus: the brief, brilliant life of Jeremiah Horrocks, father of British astronomy, Orion, 2004, ISBN 0-297-84721X, £18.99. Reviewed by Tony Mann.

Owen Gingerich, The book nobody read: in pursuit of the revolutions of Nicolaus Copernicus, Heinemann, 2004, ISBN 0-434-01315-3, £12.99. Reviewed by Tony Mann.

Scarlett Thomas, PopCo, London and New York: Fourth Estate, 2004, ISBN 1-84115-763-5, £12.99. Reviewed by Tony Mann.


Volume 20 Issue 1 (2005) (= Bulletin 4)


Eleanor Robson, ‘Influence, ignorance, or indifference? Rethinking the relationship between Babylonian and Greek mathematics’

Colin Fletcher, ‘David Fowler’

Elizabeth Boag, ‘Dandelin spheres’ 

Snezana Lawrence, ‘Balkan mathematics before the First World War’



Peter M Neumann, A J S Mann, and Julia Tompson, The collected papers of William Burnside, Oxford University Press, 2 vols, 1408 pages, IBSN 019850585X, £110. Reviewed by Rod Gow.

Maria Georgiadou, Constantin Carathéodory: mathematics and politics in turbulent times, Springer 2004, 679 pp. IBSN 3540203524, £30.50. Reviewed by Tom Körner.

Mark Monmonier, Rhumb lines and map wars: a social history of the Mercator projection, University of Chicago Press, 2004, $25, 242pp. ISBN 0-226-53431-6. Reviewed by Tony Mann.


Volume 20 Issue 2 (2005) (= Bulletin 6)


Allan Chapman, ‘The celestial geometry of John Flamsteed: mapping the heavens from seventeenth-century Greenwich’

Jeremy Gray, ‘Doubly secret history and the modernism of mathematics’



Christopher Cullen, The Suàn shù shu (Writings on Reckoning), Cambridge: Needham Research Institute, 2004. 145 pp. Reviewed by Chris Weeks.

Raymond Mercier, Studies on the transmission of medieval mathematical astronomy, Ashgate Variorum, 2004. ix + 315 pp., £59.50. ISBN 0-86078-949-7. Reviewed by Eleanor Robson.

Robert N Smart, Biographical register of the University of St Andrews, 1747–1897, University of St Andrews Library Publications, 2004. 1007 pp., £90. ISBN 0-900896-18-X. Reviewed by Alex D D Craik.

William Dunham, The calculus gallery: masterpieces from Newton to Lebesgue, Princeton University Press, 2005, xii + 236 pp., £18.95. ISBN 0-691-09565-5. Reviewed by Jackie Stedall.

Ivor Grattan-Guinness (ed.), Landmark writings in western mathematics (1640–1940), Elsevier, 2005, 1022 + xvii pp., £158. ISBN 0-444-50871-6. Reviewed by Rossana Tazzioli.

Steve Russ, The mathematical works of Bernard Bolzano, Oxford University Press, 2004. xxx + 698 pp., £120. ISBN 0-19-853930-4. Reviewed by Peter M Neumann.

David Alan Grier, When computers were human, Princeton University Press, 2005. 412 pp., £22.95. ISBN 0-691-09157-9. Reviewed by Mary Croarken.

Victor J Katz and Karen Dee Michalowicz (editors), Historical modules for the teaching and learning of mathematics, Mathematical Association of America, 2004. CD-Rom, £40. ISBN 0-88385-741-3. Reviewed by Snezana Lawrence.


Volume 20 Issue 3 (2005) (= Bulletin 6)


Judith Spicksley, ‘Two seventeenth-century female “accountants” Joyce Jeffreys and Sarah Fell’

Andrew Ayres, ‘Le macchine matematiche at the Laboratory of Mathematical Machines in Modena, Italy’

Steven Rose, ‘Squaring the circle’  

Katja Airaksinen, ‘Libraries in danger’



Michele Emmer, Mathematics and Culture II – Visual Perfection: Mathematics and Creativity (Springer, 2005), £61.50, 201pp., many colour and mono illustrations. ISBN 3-540-21368-6. Reviewed by Tony Mann.


Volume 21 Issue 1 (2006)


June Barrow-Green, ‘“Much necessary for all sortes of men”: 450 years of Euclid's Elements in English’

John Denniss, ‘Arithmetical textbooks 1478 to 1886: a progression?’

Alexander Marr, ‘Making a mathematical textbook: Mutio Oddi's Dello squadro

Rod Gow, ‘Letters of William Emerson and Francis Holliday to the publisher, John Nourse’


Volume 21 Issue 2 (2006)


Bob Burn, ‘From Archimedes to limits: understanding real analysis’ [The Neil Bibby Lecture 2006]

David Kaye, ‘Using the history of mathematics in training adult numeracy teachers’

Snezana Lawrence, ‘Maths is good for you: web-based history of mathematics resources for young mathematicians (and their teachers)’

Jan van Maanen, ‘Diagrams and mathematical reasoning: some points, lines, and figures’

Chris Pritchard, ‘Bagatelle as the inspiration for Galton's Quincunx’

Christopher David Hollings, ‘The history of the 2-, 4- and 8-square identities’

A W F Edwards, ‘An eleventh-century Venn diagram’

Alex Craik, ‘Arthur Mee’s Children’s encyclopedia revisited’

Graham Jagger, ‘The will of Henry Briggs’



C M Linton, From Eudoxus to Einstein: a history of mathematical astronomy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004, £65.00 (US$110.00), xii+516pp., many black and white diagrams. ISBN 0-521-82750-7. Reviewed by Benjamin Wardhaugh.

V J Katz and F Swetz (eds.), Convergence, Mathematical Association of America, Reviewed by Helen Russell.


Volume 21 Issue 3 (2006)


Adrian Rice, ‘British mathematics 1837–1901’

Jeremy Gray, ‘Overstating their case? Reflections on British mathematics in the nineteenth century’

Karen Hunger Parshall, ‘The British development of the theory of invariants (1841–1895)’

Raymond Flood, ‘Mathematics in Victorian Ireland’

Rod Gow, ‘Life and work of George Salmon (1819–1904)’

M Eileen Magnello, ‘Victorian vital and mathematical statistics’


Volume 22 Issue 1 (2007)


Martin Campbell-Kelly, ‘From the world brain to the world wide web’ [Annual Gresham College BSHM Lecture]

Abhilasha Aggarwal, ‘Mathematical books for and in India in the nineteenth century’

David Klein, ‘A quarter century of US “math wars” and political partisanship’

Paul Kunkel, ‘The tangency problem of Apollonius: three looks’



Luke Hodgkin, A history of mathematics from Mesopotamia to Modernity, Oxford University Press, 2005, £ 39.50, xiv+252pp, many black and white diagrams. ISBN 0-19-852937-6. Reviewed by Fenny Smith.

John Dee: interdisciplinary studies in English renaissance thought, Stephen Clucas (editor), Springer International Archives of the History of Ideas 193, 2006, 383pp, £ 111, ISBN 1-4020-4245-0. Reviewed by Tony Mann.

Hal Hellman, Great feuds in mathematics: ten of the liveliest disputes ever, Wiley, 2006, vi+250pp, £16.99, ISBN: 0-471-64877-9. Reviewed by Benjamin Wardhaugh.


Volume 22, Issue 2 (2007)


Judith V Grabiner, ‘Why should historical truth matter to mathematicians? Dispelling myths while promoting maths’

Mel Bayley, ‘Hard times and statistics’

Alexander Karp, ‘“We all meandered through our schooling…”: notes on Russian mathematics education in the early nineteenth century’

Nikos Kastanis, ‘American pestalozzianism in Greek mathematical education 1830–1836’



Tony Crilly, Arthur Cayley: Mathematician Laureate of the Victorian Age, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006, xxiii 1 610pp, £46.50. ISBN 0-8018-8011-4. Reviewed by Peter Neumann.

Karen Hunger Parshall, James Joseph Sylvester: A Jewish mathematician in the Victorian world, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006, xi 1 461pp, £ 46.50, ISBN 0-8018-8291-5. Reviewed by Keith Hannabuss.


Volume 22, Issue 3 (2007)


Benjamin Wardhaugh, ‘Poor Robin and Merry Andrew: mathematical humour in Restoration England’

John Mason, ‘Bartering problems in arithmetic books 1450–1890’

Elizabeth Boag, ‘Lattice multiplication’

Bob Burn, ‘Geometric progressions’



Ian Stewart, Why beauty is truth: a history of symmetry, Basic Books, 2007, 304 pp, £15.99, ISBN 978-0-465-08236-0. Reviewed by Peter M Neumann.

Andreas K Heyne and Alice P Heyne (text) and Elena S Pini (illustrations), Leonhard Euler: a man to be reckoned with, translated from the German by Alice P Heyne and Tahu Matheson, Birkhauser, 2007, 45 pp, £14.50, ISBN 3-7643-8332-9. Reviewed by Tony Mann.

A disappearing number, Complicite, Theatre Royal, Plymouth, 28 March 2007. Reviewed by Chris Weeks.


Volume 23, Issue 1 (2008)


Jeremy Gray, ‘A short life of Euler’

Robin Wilson, ‘Euler's combinatorial mathematics’

Roger Mallion, ‘A contemporary Eulerian walk over the bridges of Kaliningrad’

John Coates, ‘Euler's work on Zeta and L -functions and their special values’


Volume 23, Issue 2 (2008)


John Ceres Amson, ‘Gregory’s meridian line of 1673–74: a St Andrews detective story’

Muriel Seltman, ‘The Artis analyticae praxis of Harriot and Warner in focus’ [John Fauvel Memorial Lecture]

Amy Ackerberg-Hastings, ‘John Playfair on British decline in mathematics’

Charlotte Simmons, ‘William Rowan Hamilton and George Boole’

Chris Pritchard, ‘Mistakes concerning a chance encounter between Francis Galton and John Venn’



Victor J Katz (ed), The mathematics of Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, India, and Islam, Princeton University Press, 2007, xiv+686 pp, £44.95, ISBN: 9780691114859. Reviewed by Benjamin Wardhaugh.


Volume 23, Issue 3 (2008)


Kathleen Clark & Eleanor Robson, ‘Ancient accounting in the modern mathematics classroom’

Fenny Smith, ‘The influence of Amatino Manucci and Luca Pacioli’

Uffe Thomas Jankvist, ‘A teaching module on the history of public-key cryptography and RSA’

Peter M Neumann, ‘The history of symmetry and the asymmetry of history’

Simon R Blackburn, ‘A mathematical walk in Surrey’



Reviel Netz and William Noel, The Archimedes Codex: revealing the secrets of the world’s greatest palimpsest, Orion Books, 2007, 320 pp, £18.99, ISBN 0297645471. Reviewed by George M Phillips.

David Leavitt, The Indian clerk, Bloomsbury, 2007, 496 pp, £16.99, ISBN 9780747581680. Reviewed by Mel Bayley.


Volume 24, Issue 1 (2009)


Daniel Mintz, ‘The hunt for the lost cities of Ptolemy’

Kristín Bjarnadóttir, ‘A puzzle rhyme from 1782’

Malgorzata Przenioslo, ‘International mathematical journals published in Poland between the Wars’

David Anderson, ‘The contribution of M H A Newman and his mathematicians to the creation of the Manchester “Baby”’



Marcus du Sautoy, Finding moonshine, Fourth Estate, 2008, 376 pp, £18.99, ISBN 978 0 00 721461 7. Reviewed by Rhian Parker.

Raymond Flood, Mark McCartney and Andrew Whitaker (editors), Kelvin: life, labours and legacy, Oxford University Press, 2008, xii+358 pp, £55, ISBN: 978 0 19 923125 6. Reviewed by Ken Houston.

Israel Kleiner, A history of abstract algebra, Birkhäuser, 2007, xvþ168 pp, £29.50, ISBN 978 0 8176 4684 4. Reviewed by Peter M Neumann.

Muriel Seltman and Robert Goulding (editors and translators), Thomas Harriot’s Artis analyticae praxis: an English translation with commentary, Springer, 2007, viii+299 pp, £79.00, ISBN 9780387495118. Reviewed by Janet Beery.

Angela Lynn Evans Walmsley, A history of mathematics education during the twentieth century, University Press of America, Inc., 2007, 80 pp, $17.95, ISBN 978 0761837497. Reviewed by David Klein.


Volume 24, Issue 2 (2009)


Norman Biggs, ‘Mathematics of currency and exchange: arithmetic at the end of the thirteenth century’

Janet L Beery, ‘Formulating figurate numbers’

Janet Heine Barnett, ‘Mathematics goes ballistic: Benjamin Robins, Leonhard Euler, and the mathematical education of military engineers’

Andreas Christiansen, ‘Bernt Michael Holmboe (1795–1850) and his mathematics textbooks’



Antonella Cupillari, A biography of Maria Gaetana Agnesi, an eighteenth-century woman mathematician, with translations of some of her work from Italian into English, The Edwin Mellen Press, 2007, vii+322 pp, $119.95, ISBN 0 7734 5226 5. Reviewed by Massimo Mazzotti.

Alex D D Craik, Mr Hopkins’ men: Cambridge reform and British mathematics in the nineteenth century, Springer-Verlag, London, 2007, 405 pp, £25.00, ISBN 1848001320. Reviewed by Mark McCartney.

Peggy Aldrich Kidwell, Amy Ackerberg-Hastings, and David Lindsay Roberts, Tools of American mathematics teaching 1800–2000, John Hopkins University Press, 2008, 416 pp, £46.50, ISBN 978 0 8018 8814 4. Reviewed by Anthony V Piccolino.

Nathalie Sinclair, The history of the geometry curriculum in the United States, Information Age Publishing, 2008, 116 pp, £25.95/ £45.95, ISBN 978 1 59311 697 2/978 1 59311 696 5. Reviewed by Snezana Lawrence.

Robin Wilson, Lewis Carroll in numberland: his fantastical mathematical logical life. An agony in eight fits, Allen Lane (an imprint of Penguin Books), 2008, xii+237 pp, £16.99, ISBN 9780713997576. Reviewed by Amirouche Moktefi.


Volume 24, Issue 3 (2009)


Angelo de Bruycker, ‘“To the adornment and honour of the city”: the mathematics course of the Flemish Jesuits in the seventeenth century’

Marit Hartveit, ‘How Flora got her cap: the higher education of women in Edinburgh’

Craig Stephenson, ‘George Darwin's lectures on Hill's lunar theory’

Christopher Hollings, ‘Anton Kazimirovich Suschkewitsch (1889–1961)’

Shirley B Gray, ‘A detective story continued’



Edwin A Abbott with Thomas Banchoff, Seth Caplan, Jeffrey Travis, Dano Johnson, Flatland: the movie edition, Princeton University Press, 2008, 176 pp, £10.95, IBSN 978 0 691 13657 8. Reviewed by Tony Mann.

Jeremy Gray, Plato’s ghost: the modernist transformation of mathematics, Princeton University Press, 2008, 515 pp, £32.50, ISBN 978 0 69113 610 3. Reviewed by Tony Crilly.

Judy Green and Jeanne LaDuke, Pioneering women in American mathematics: the pre-1940 PhD’s, American Mathematical Society/London Mathematical Society, 2009, 345 pp, £59.95, ISBN 978 0 82184 376 5. Companion website: http:// Reviewed by Shelley Costa.

Gerard O’Regan, A brief history of computing, Springer, 2008, 252 pp, £17.95, ISBN 978 1 84800 083 4. Reviewed by Charles Care.

David S Richeson, Euler’s gem: the polyhedron formula and the birth of topology, Princeton University Press, 2008, xiiY217 pp, ISBN 978 0 691 12677 7. Reviewed by Robin Wilson.

Matthias Schemmel, The English Galileo: Thomas Harriot’s work on motion as an example of preclassical mechanics, 2 vols, Springer, 2008, 762 pp, £118.50, IBSN 978 1 4020 5493 3. Reviewed by Jackie Stedall.


Volume 25, Issue 1 (2010)


Glen van Brummelen, ‘Filling in the short blanks: musings on bringing the historiography of mathematics to the classroom’

June Barrow-Green, ‘Euler as an Educator’

Alex D D Craik, ‘William Wallace’s chorograph: a rare mathematical instrument’

Polly Thanailaki, ‘Breaking social barriers: Florentia Fountoukli (1869–1915)’



Bruce S Eastwood, Ordering the heavens: Roman astronomy and cosmology in the Carolingian Renaissance, Brill, 2007, xxiv+456pp, E99, ISBN 978 9 00416 186 3. Reviewed by Liba Taub.

Mary Jaeger, Archimedes and the Roman imagination, University of Michigan Press, 2008, 230 pp, $70.00, ISBN 978 0 472 11630 0. Reviewed by Daniel V Mintz.

Eleanor Robson, Mathematics in ancient Iraq: a social history, Princeton University Press, 2008, 472 pp, £34.95, ISBN 069109182X. Reviewed by Annette Imhausen.

Eleanor Robson and Jacqueline Stedall (eds), The Oxford handbook of the history of mathematics, Oxford University Press, 2009; viii+918 pages, with index and illustrations, £ 85.00, ISBN 978 0 19 921312 2. Reviewed by Jan van Maanen.


Volume 25, Issue 2 (2010)


Tony Mann, ‘From Sylvia Plath’s The bell jar to the Bad Sex Award: a partial account of the uses of mathematics in fiction’

Benjamin Wardhaugh, ‘‘Let us put on the shade of Newton’: Isaac Newton on stage, 1829–2006’ [Review Essay]

Marilyn Gaull, ‘From Tristram Shandy to Bertrand Russell: fiction and mathematics’

Alice Jenkins, ‘Mathematics and mental health in early nineteenth-century England’

David Bellos, ‘Mathematics, poetry, fiction: the adventure of the Oulipo’



Tefcros Michaelides, Pythagorean crimes, Parmenides Publishing, 2008, 272 pp, £9.95/£22.50 ISBN 978 1 93097 227 8. Reviewed by Chris Weeks.

Arturo Sangalli, Pythagoras’ revenge: a mathematical mystery, Princeton University Press, 2009, 183 pp, £16.95, ISBN 978 0 691 04955 7. Reviewed by Tony Mann.


Volume 25, Issue 3 (2010)


Kathleen M Clark, ‘Connecting local history, ancient history, and mathematics: the Eustis Elementary School pilot project’

Jenneke Krüger, ‘Lessons from the early seventeenth century for mathematics curriculum design’

Garrod Musto, ‘Mathematical timelines’

Michael Kourkoulos & Constantinos Tzanakis, ‘History, and students’ understanding of variance in statistics’



Anthony Gerbino and Stephen Johnston, Compass and rule: architecture as mathematical practice in England, Yale University Press, 2009, 192pp, £30.00, ISBN 978 0 30015 093 3. Reviewed by Alexander Marr.

Ivor Grattan-Guinness, Routes of learning: highways, pathways, and byways in the history of mathematics, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009, xii Y 372 pp., £18.00. ISBN-13 978 0 8018 9248 6. Reviewed by Jeremy Gray.

Amy Dahan-Dalmédico and Jeanne Peiffer, translated by Sanford Segal, History of mathematics: highways and byways, Mathematical Association of America, 2009, 330pp, £40.00, ISBN 978 0 88385 562 1. Reviewed by Benjamin Wardhaugh.

Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze, Mathematicians fleeing from Nazi Germany: individual fates and global impact, Princeton University Press, 2009, 504pp, £62.00, ISBN 978 0 69112 593 0. Reviewed by Birgit Bergmann.

Jeff Suzuki, Mathematics in historical context, Mathematical Association of America Spectrum Series, 2009, 409pp, £40.00, ISBN 978 0 88385 570 6. Reviewed by Jackie Stedall.


Volume 26, Issue 1 (2011)


Kathryn James, ‘Reading numbers in early modern England’

Alex D D Craik & John J O’Connor, ‘Some unknown documents associated with William Wallace (1768–1843)’

Mark McCartney, ‘The poetic life of James Clerk Maxwell’

Stephen Morris & Orlena Gotel, ‘The role of flow charts in the early automation of applied mathematics’



Robert E Bradley and C Edward Sandifer, Cauchy’s Cours d’analyse: an annotated translation, Springer, 2009, xx þ 411pp, $139.00, £99.00, ISBN 978-1-4419-0548-2. Reviewed by Judith V Grabiner.

Apostolos Doxiadis and Christos H Papadimitriou, illustrators Alecos Papadatos and Annie di Donna, Logicomix: an epic search for truth, Bloomsbury, 2009, 352pp, £16.99, ISBN 978-0-7475-9720-9. Reviewed by Thomas L Drucker.

Ioan James, Driven to innovate: a century of Jewish mathematicians and physicists, Peter Lang, 2009, 320pp, £25.00, ISBN 978-1-9061-6522-2. David E Rowe.

Laurent Mazliak and Rossana Tazzioli, Mathematicians at war: Volterra and his French colleagues in World War I, Springer, 2009, 194 pp, £90, ISBN 978-904812-739-9. Jean-Guy Prévost.

Jean-Guy Prévost, A total science: statistics in liberal and fascist Italy, McGill University Press, 2009, 335pp, £66.00, ISBN 978-0-7735-3539-8. Reviewed by Laurent Mazliak.

Roshdi Rashed, Al-Khwarizmi: The Beginnings of Algebra, SAQI, 2009, 392pp, £70.00, ISBN 978-0-8635-6430-7. Reviewed by Jeffrey A Oaks.


Volume 26, Issue 2 (2011)


Sandra Monteferrante, ‘Maya mathematics’

Jorge Nuno Silva, ‘On mathematical games’

Richard Decesare, ‘William Ludlam: portrait of an eighteenth-century mathematician’

Giuseppe Bruno, Andrea Genovese & Gennaro Improta, ‘Routing problems: a historical perspective’



Keith Devlin, The unfinished game: Pascal, Fermat, and the seventeenth-century letter that made the world modern; a tale of how mathematics is really done, Basic Books, 2008, 208 pp, £14.99, ISBN 978-0-465-00910-7. Reviewed by John Mason.

Hans-Joachim Petsche, Graßmann (German), Birkhäuser Verlag, 2006, xxii+326 pp, €58.00, ISBN: 978-7643-7257-6; 3-7643-7257-5 Hermann Grassmann: biography (English translation by Mark Minnes), Birkhäuser Verlag, 2009, xx+306 pp, £62.99, ISBN: 978-3-7643-8859-1. Reviewed by Keith Hannabuss.


Volume 26, Issue 3 (2011)


Jennifer M Rampling, ‘The Elizabethan mathematics of everything: John Dee’s “Mathematicall praeface” to Euclid's Elements

Katie Taylor, ‘Vernacular geometry: between the senses and reason’

Snezana Lawrence, ‘Dee and his books: lessons from the history of mathematics for primary and middle school teachers’

Amanda Saxon Dean, ‘An investigation of pedagogical techniques in Descartes’ La géométrie



Glen van Brummelen, The mathematics of the heavens and the earth: the early history of trigonometry, Princeton University Press, 2009, 352 pp, £28.95, ISBN 978-0-691-12973-0. Reviewed by Toke Knudsen.

Paolo Mancosu, The adventure of reason: interplay between philosophy of mathematics and mathematical logic, 1900–1940, Oxford University Press, 2010, 640 pp, £60.00, ISBN 978-0-19-954653-4. Reviewed by Mikkel Willum Johansen.

Kim Williams, Lionel March, and Stephen R Wassell (eds), The mathematical works of Leon Battista Alberti, Birkhäuser, 2010, x + 221 pp., $109, £69, ISBN 978-3-0346-0473-4. Reviewed by James Byrne.


Volume 27, Issue 1 (2012)


Serafina Cuomo, ‘Exploring ancient Greek and Roman numeracy’

M Eileen Magnello, ‘Victorian statistical graphics and the iconography of Florence Nightingale’s polar area graph’

Deborah Kent, ‘Alice Bache Gould: mathematician in search of war work, 1918’

Alex D D Craik, ‘The Popular lectures and addresses of William Thomson, Baron Kelvin of Largs (1824–1907)’



Claire G Jones, Femininity, mathematics and science, 1880–1914, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009, x + 264 pp, £58.00, ISBN 978-0-2305-5521-1. Reviewed by Donald L Opitz.

Steven G Krantz, An episodic history of mathematics: mathematical culture through problem-solving, Mathematical Association of America, 2010, 381 pp, £44.00, ISBN 978-0-8838-5766-3. Reviewed by Luke Hodgkin.

M B W Tent, Emmy Noether, the mother of modern algebra, AK Peters, 2008, 200 pp, £18.99, ISBN 978-1-5688-1430-8. Reviewed by Snezana Lawrence.

M B W Tent, Leonhard Euler and the Bernoullis: mathematicians from Basel, AK Peters, 2009, 200 pp, £18.99, ISBN 978-1-5688-1464-3. Reviewed by Snezana Lawrence.


Volume 27, Issue 2 (2012)


Tony Mann, ‘From prehistoric balls to contemporary fiction: what the history of mathematics has done for me’

Jane Wess, ‘Avoiding arithmetic, or the material culture of not learning mathematics’

Madeline Muntersbjorn, ‘On the intellectual heritage of Henri Poincaré’

Ngai Ying Wong & Kwok Chun Tang, ‘Mathematics education in Hong Kong under colonial rule’



Michèle Audin, Fatou, Julia, Montel: the Great Prize of mathematical sciences of 1918, and beyond, Springer, 2011, 332 pp., £62.99, ISBN 978-3-6421-7853-5. Reviewed by Christopher Hollings.

Robin Wilson and Raymond Flood, The great mathematicians: unravelling the mysteries of the universe, Arcturus Publishing Ltd, 2011, 208 pp, £9.99, paperback, ISBN 978-1-84837-9-022. Reviewed by Judith V Grabiner.


Volume 27, Issue 3 (2012)


D R Lloyd, ‘How old are the Platonic Solids?’

Elizabeth F Lewis (Née Rudge), ‘P G Tait's schoolboy introduction to complex numbers’

Stefanie Eminger, ‘Viribus unitis! shall be our watchword: the first International Congress of Mathematicians, held 9–11 August 1897 in Zurich’

Jemma Lorenat, ‘Not set in stone: nineteenth-century geometrical constructions and the Malfatti Problem’



Amir Alexander, Duel at dawn: heroes, martyrs and the rise of modern mathematics, Harvard University Press, 2010, 307 pp., £21.95/E26.10, ISBN 978-0-674-04661-0. Reviewed by Rosanna Cretney.

Robert Bork, The geometry of creation: architectural drawing and the dynamics of Gothic design, Ashgate, 2011, xxi + 464 pp., $119.00, ISBN 978-0-7546-6062-0. Reviewed by Indra Kagis McEwen.

Raymond Flood, Adrian Rice and Robin Wilson (eds), Mathematics in Victorian Britain, Oxford University Press, 2011, 466 pp., £30.00, ISBN 978-0-19-960139-4. Reviewed by Melanie Bayley.

Roger Hart, The Chinese roots of linear algebra, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011, xiii þ 286 pp., $65.00, ISBN 0-8018-9755-6, ISBN-13 978-0-8018-9755-9. Reviewed by Alexei Volkov.


Volume 28, Issue 1 (2013)


Alexander Lee, ‘Goals and scope of the Archimedes Palimpsest transcriptions’

Robert E Bradley, ‘De l’Hôpital, Bernoulli, and the genesis of Analyse des infiniment petits

Peter Frejd, ‘Old algebra textbooks: a resource for modern teaching’

Henrik Kragh Sørensen, ‘What's Abelian about abelian groups?’



Enrique A González-Velasco, Journey through mathematics: creative episodes in its history, Springer Science+Business Media LLC, 2011, 466 + xi pp, £53.99, ISBN 978-0-387-92153-2. Reviewed by Katherine Steiner.

Jack Williams, Robert Recorde: Tudor polymath, expositor and practitioner of computation, Springer, 2011, 265+xxii pp, £59.95, ISBN 9780857298614. Reviewed by Leo Rogers.


Volume 28, Issue 2 (2013)


Norman Biggs, ‘Thomas Harriot on continuous compounding’

Ian Anderson & Tony Crilly, ‘Robert Richard Anstice (1813–1853): a Hertfordshire bicentenary’

Raymond Flood, ‘James Clerk Maxwell’ [BSHM–Gresham Lecture 2012]

James Rauff, ‘The chicken went into the bush and never came back: a note on infinity’



Alexander Marr, Between Raphael and Galileo: Mutio Oddi and the mathematical culture of late Renaissance Italy, University of Chicago Press, 2011, 376 pp., £29.00, ISBN 978-0-226-50628-9. Reviewed by Mark A Peterson.

Mark A Peterson, Galileo’s muse: Renaissance mathematics and the arts, Harvard University Press, 2011, 352 pp., £21.95/€26.10, ISBN 978-0-674-05972-6. Reviewed by Richard J Oosterhoff.


Volume 28, Issue 3 (2013)


Bob Burn, ‘Root 2: the early evidence and later conjectures’

Stephen Cooper & Ashley Cooper, ‘The Father of Local History and the duplication of the exchequer, 1480’

Alex D D Craik, ‘In search of Thomas Knight: Part 2’

Ian Anderson & Tony Crilly, ‘The mathematician who drove Whist forward: William Henry Whitfeld (1856–1915)’

Daniel Tisdale, ‘Sieve of war: the legacy of Jitsuro Nagura’



Apostolos Doxiadis and Barry Mazur (eds), Circles disturbed: the interplay of mathematics and narrative, Princeton University Press, 2012, 570 + xix pp, £34.95, ISBN 978-0-691-14904-2. Reviewed by Mel Bayley.

Frank J Swetz, Mathematical expeditions: exploring word problems across the ages, The John Hopkins University Press, 2012, 192 + ix pp, $30, ISBN 978-1-4214-0438-7. Reviewed by Peter Ransom.


Volume 29, Issue 1 (2014)


Mirko Dejić, ‘How the old Slavs (Serbs) wrote numbers’

Daisy Hildyard, ‘John Pell’s mathematical papers and the Royal Society’s English Atlas, 1678–82’

João Caramalho Domingues, ‘The repercussion of José Anastácio da Cunha in Britain and USA in the nineteenth century’

Michiyo Nakane, ‘Did Weierstrass’s differential calculus have a limit-avoiding character? His definition of a limit in ϵ – δ style’

Ivor Grattan-Guinness, ‘Hans Wussing and Christoph Scriba: An Appreciation’



Robert Kaplan and Ellen Kaplan, Hidden harmonies: the lives and times of the Pythagorean Theorem, Bloomsbury, 2011, 304 pp, £20.00, ISBN 978-1-596-91522-0. Reviewed by Stephanie Crampin.

John Denniss, Figuring it out: children’s arithmetical manuscripts 1680–1880, Huxley Scientific Press, 2012, 59 pp, £10.00, ISBN 978-0-9522671-8-8. Reviewed by Leo Rogers.

Arthur Mazer, The Ellipse: a historical and mathematical journey, Wiley, 2010, xii + 304 pp, many black and white diagrams, £38.50, ISBN 078-0-470-58718-8. Reviewed by Fenny Smith.

Jeremy Gray, Henri Poincaré: a scientific biography, Princeton University Press, 2012, xiii + 592 pp, £24.95. Reviewed by H W Broer.


Volume 29, Issue 2 (2014)


Giuseppe Bruno, Andrea Genovese & Gennaro Improta, ‘A historical perspective on location problems’

David R Bellhouse, ‘The deification of Newton in 1711’

Christopher Hollings, ‘Investigating a claim for Russian priority in the abstract definition of a ring’

Uffe Thomas Jankvist, ‘A historical teaching module on ‘the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics’: Boolean algebra and Shannon circuits’



Dennis M Cates, Cauchy’s Calcul Infinitésimal – A Complete English Translation, Fairview Academic Press, 2012, 198+xviii pp, $25.00, ISBN 978-0-9838837-5-3. Reviewed by Robert E Bradley.

Julian Havil, The Irrationals: A Story of the Numbers You Can’t Count On, Princeton University Press, 2012, 312 pp, £19.95, ISBN 978-0-69114-3-422. Reviewed by Kathryn Edwards.

Robin Wilson and John J Watkins, Combinatorics: ancient & modern, Oxford University Press, 2013, 392 pp, £55.00, ISBN 978-0-19965-6-592. Reviewed by Christopher Hollings.


Volume 29, Issue 3 (2015)


D. T. Whiteside, ‘“And John Napier created logarithms…”’

Joachim Fischer & Bärbel Ruess, ‘Napier revisited or A new look at the computation of his logarithms’

Lukas M. Verburgt, ‘Remarks on the idealist and empiricist interpretation of frequentism: Robert Leslie Ellis versus John Venn’

Robin Wilson, ‘In the footsteps of Euler and MacMahon: combinatorics, the mathematics that counts’



The history of mathematics: a very short introduction by Jacqueline Stedall, Oxford University Press, 2012, xvii + 123 pp, £7.99, ISBN 978-0-19-959968-4. Reviewed by Thomas Sonar.

James Clerk Maxwell. Perspectives on his life and work, by Raymond Flood, Mark McCartney and Andrew Whitaker (eds), Oxford University Press, 2014, 384 pp, £39.99, ISBN 978-0-19-966437-5. Reviewed by Adrian Rice.


Volume 30, Issue 1 (2015)


Alessandra Petrocchi, ‘A new theoretical approach to sample problems and deductive reasoning in Sanskrit mathematical texts’

Eisso J Atzema, ‘From Brahmagupta to Euler: on the formula for the area of a cyclic quadrilateral ’

Cheryl Periton, ‘The medieval counting table revisited: a brief introduction and description of its use during the early modern period’

Kristina Leifeste Brantley, ‘A forgotten contrivance: a study of the diagonal scale and its appearance in mathematics texts from 1714 to the present’

Peter Rowlett, ‘“The unplanned impact of mathematics” and its implications for research funding: a discussion-led educational activity’



Rewriting the history of school mathematics in North America 1607–1861: the central role of cyphering books, by Nerida Ellerton and M.A. (Ken) Clements, Springer, 2012, 223 pp, £90, ISBN 978-94-007-2639-0. Reviewed by John Denniss.

The King of Infinite Space: Euclid and his Elements, by David Berlinski, Basic Books, 2013, 172 + xiv pp, £15.99, ISBN 978-0-465-01481-1. Reviewed by Michalis Sialaros.

The Moscow Pythagoreans: Mathematics, Mysticism, and Anti-Semitism in Russian Symbolism, by Ilona Svetlikova, Palgrave, 2013, 196 pp, £45.00, ISBN 978-1-137-33827-3. Reviewed by Christopher Hollings.

Statistics, Public Debate and the State, 1800–1945: A Social, Political and Intellectual History of Numbers, by Jean-Guy Prévost and Jean-Pierre Beaud, Pickering and Chatto, 2012, 233 pp, £60.00, ISBN 978-1-84893-296-8. Reviewed by Ida Stamhuis.

Robert Recorde: the Life and Times of a Tudor Mathematician, by Gareth Roberts and Fenny Smith (editors), University of Wales Press, 2012, 320 pp, hardback £60, ISBN 978-0-708-32526-1; paperback £14.99, ISBN 978-0-708-32682-4. Reviewed by Tony Mann.


Volume 30, Issue 2 (2015)


Adrian Rice, ‘Ivor Grattan-Guinness (23 June 1941 – 12 December 2014)’



Dirk Huylebrouck, ‘Observations about Leonardo's drawings for Luca Pacioli’

Alex D D Craik, ‘A Book for the King: John Geddy's Methodi sive compendii mathematici (1586)’

David R Bellhouse, ‘Mathematicians and the early English life insurance industry’

Juan Carlos Ponce-Campuzano & Miguel Ángel Maldonado-Aguilar, ‘Vito Volterra's construction of a nonconstant function with a bounded, non-Riemann integrable derivative’

Rolf Nossum & Jan Kotůlek, ‘The Society for the Protection of Science and Learning as a patron of refugee mathematicians’



Emil Artin’s Iceland Journal 1925: “A World of Good”, edited by Tom Artin (ed) and Karin Tate (trans), Free Scholar Press, 2013, 206 pp, £16.49, ISBN 978-1-482-55168-6. Reviewed by Joachim Schwermer.

The Correspondence of John Wallis (1616–1703) Volume IV (1672–April 1675), edited by Philip Beeley and Christoph J Scriba, Oxford University Press, 2014, 656 pp, £195.00, ISBN 978-0-198-56948-0. Reviewed by William Poole.


Volume 30, Issue 3 (2015)


Eleanor Robson, ‘Subverting expectations: memories of editing with Jackie’



Fabio Bellissima, ‘Propositions VIII.4–5 of Euclid’s Elements and the compounding of ratios on the monochord’

James L Hunt & John Sharp, ‘Decoding William Scrots’ anamorphic portrait of Edward VI’

Derek Ball, ‘“Thick-rinded fruit of the tree of knowledge”: mathematics education in George Eliot's novels’

Yvette Kosmann-Schwarzbach, ‘Women mathematicians in France in the mid-twentieth century’

Fatma Kayan Fadlelmula, ‘Pre-service teachers' point of views about learning history of mathematics: a case study in Turkey’



The tangled origins of the Leibnizian calculus: a case study of a mathematical revolution, by Richard C Brown, World Scientific Publishing, 2012, 332 pp, £73.00 (hardback), ISBN 978-981-4390-79-8. Reviewed by Douglas Jesseph.

It began with Babbage: the genesis of computer science, by Subrata Dasgupta, Oxford University Press, 2014, 334 pp, £22.99 (hardback), ISBN 978-0-19-930941-2. Reviewed by Jonathan P Bowen.


Volume 31, Issue 1 (2015)


Adrian Rice & Ezra Brown, ‘Commutativity and collinearity: a historical case study of the interconnection of mathematical ideas. Part I’

S Negrepontis & G Tassopoulos, ‘Theodorus’ proofs of incommensurabilities with Gnomons’

Richard DeCesare, ‘Robert Patterson: American “revolutionary” mathematician’

Lukas M Verburgt, ‘Robert Leslie Ellis, William Whewell and Kant: the role of Rev H F C Logan’

Michael Friedman, ‘Two beginnings of geometry and folding: Hermann Wiener and Sundara Row’

Christopher Hollings, ‘A tale of mathematical myth-making: E T Bell and the “arithmetization of algebra”’



Taming the unknown: a history of algebra from antiquity to the early twentieth century, by Victor J Katz and Karen Hunger Parshall, Princeton University Press, 2014, 504 pp, £34.95, ISBN 978-0-691-14905-9. Reviewed by Adrian Rice.

Stephanie Crampin, ‘A note on some recent mathematical histories’: A curious history of mathematics, by Joel Levy, Andre Deutsch, 2013, 192 pp, £14.94, ISBN 978-0-233-00385-6. The universe in zero words, by Dana Mackenzie, Princeton University Press, 2012, 192 pp, £19.95, ISBN 978-0-691-15282-0. 17 equations that changed the world, by Ian Stewart, Profile, 2012, 352 pp, £6.29 (paperback), ISBN 978-1-846-68532-3. Maths in 100 key breakthroughs, by Richard Elwes, Quercus, 2013, 416 pp, £17.44, ISBN 978-1-623-65054-4. 


Volume 31, Issue 2 (2015)


Adrian Rice & Ezra Brown, ‘Commutativity and collinearity: a historical case study of the interconnection of mathematical ideas. Part II’

Raffaele Pisano, ‘Details on the mathematical interplay between Leonardo da Vinci and Luca Pacioli’

Bob Burn, ‘Early tables resembling those of natural logarithms’

Donal Murphy, ‘George Boole and Walsh's delusions’

Elizabeth F Lewis, ‘P G Tait’s statistical models’

Gunhan Caglayan, ‘Exploring the lunes of Hippocrates in a dynamic geometry environment’

Peter M Lee, ‘George Eliot and mathematics’



A Chronicle of Permutation Statistical Methods: 1920–2000, and Beyond, by K J Berry, J E Johnston, and P J W Mielke, Springer, 2014, 517pp, £99, ISBN 978-3-319-02743-2. Reviewed by Stephen Senn.

Seduced by logic: Émilie Du Châtelet, Mary Somerville and the Newtonian revolution, by Robyn Arianrhod, Oxford, 2012, vi+338 pp, $34.95, ISBN 978-0-19-993161-3. Reviewed by Donald L. Opitz.


Volume 31, Issue 3 (2015)


Raffaele Pisano & Paolo Bussotti, ‘A Newtonian tale details on notes and proofs in Geneva edition of Newton's Principia’

John Sharp, ‘Folding the regular pentagon’

J F Harper, ‘Defining continuity of real functions of real variables’

Kathleen M Clark & Emmet P Harrington, ‘The Paul A M Dirac papers at Florida State University: a search for informal mathematical investigations’

Emin Aydın, Ali Delice & Derya Demiroğlu, ‘An analysis of history of mathematics research literature in Turkey: the mathematics education perspective’

James V Rauff, ‘The algebra of marriage: an episode in applied group theory’



Architecture and mathematics from antiquity to the future, Volume I: Antiquity to the 1500s; Volume II: The 1500s to the future edited by Kim Williams and Michael J Ostwald, Birkhäuser, 2015, xix+735pp, £99.00, ISBN 978-3-319-00136-4/Birkhäuser, 2015, xix+690pp, £99.00, ISBN 978-3-319-00142-5. Reviewed by Yelda Nasifoglu.

Birth of a theorem: a mathematical adventure by Cédric Villani (trans Malcolm DeBevoise, ill Claude Gongard), The Bodley Head, 2015, 272pp, £18.99, ISBN 978-1-84-792252-6. Reviewed by Snezana Lawrence.


Volume 32, Issue 1 (2016) In memoriam Jacqueline Stedall, 1950–2014.


Karen Hunger Parshall, ‘A plurality of algebras, 1200–1600: Algebraic Europe from Fibonacci to Clavius’

Robert Goulding, Matthias Schemmel, ‘The manuscripts of Thomas Harriot (1560–1621)’

Thomas Sonar, ‘… in the darkest night that is … Briggs, Blundeville, Wright, and the misconception of finding latitude’

Norman Biggs, ‘More seventeenth-century networks’

M Rosa Massa-Esteve, ‘Mengoli's mathematical ideas in Leibniz’s excerpts’

Philip Beeley, ‘“To the publike advancement” John Collins and the promotion of mathematical knowledge in Restoration England’

Staffan Rodhe, ‘A forgotten booklet by Goldbach now rediscovered and three versions of its contents’

Benjamin Wardhaugh, ‘Charles Hutton: “One of the greatest mathematicians in Europe”?’


Volume 32, Issue 2 (2016)


Alex D D Craik, ‘An early Scottish pamphlet on hydraulics and pneumatics: William Welwood’s De aqua in altum per fistulas plumbeas facile exprimenda apologia demonstrativa (1582)’

Robin J Wilson, ‘The Gresham Professors of Geometry Part 1: the first one hundred years’

Robin J Wilson, ‘The Gresham Professors of Geometry Part 2: the next three hundred years’

Joseph Gage, ‘Undergraduate algebra in nineteenth-century Oxford’

Ben Fairbairn, ‘Louis Joel Mordell's time in London’

Zuhal Yilmaz & Suat Eren Ozyigit, ‘Analysis of real world problems in mathematics textbooks of early twentieth and twenty-first century Turkish education: political and social reflections’


Volume 32, Issue 3 [Special Issue. Mathematical Biography: A MacTutor Celebration Guest edited by Isobel Falconer] (2017) 


Henrik Kragh Sørensen, ‘Studying appropriations of past lives: using metabiographical approaches in the history of mathematics’

Eva Kaufholz-Soldat, ‘“[...] the first handsome mathematical lady I’ve ever seen!”: On the role of beauty in portrayals of Sofia Kovalevskaya

Sydney Padua, ‘Picturing Lovelace, Babbage, and the Analytical Engine: a cartoonist in mathematical biography’

Christopher Hollings, Ursula Martin and Adrian Rice, ‘The early mathematical education of Ada Lovelace’ 

L Rodríguez, ‘Frigyes Riesz between the two World Wars’

Jacqueline M Dewar, ‘Women and mathematics: a course and a scholarly investigation’

A E L Davis, ‘Mathematical women—creating historical resources’

Steven S Skiena and Charles B Ward, ‘Who’s bigger? Where computer scientists really rank’


Volume 33, Issue 1 (2018)


Anne van Weerden and Steven Wepster, ‘A most gossiped about genius: Sir William Rowan Hamilton’

Amirouche Moktefi, ‘Did Lewis Carroll own a copy of George Boole's Laws of thought? An argument from the sale catalogues’

A E L Davis, ‘Woman into Mathematician: The opening of university mathematical education to women in the British Isles: a prosopographical note’

Alexander Karp, ‘Mark Vygodsky: several episodes from the life of a scholar’



Katie McCallum, ‘Mathematics, manifest: a review of Mathematics: the Winton Gallery at the Science Museum’

Leonhard Euler: mathematical genius in the Enlightenment, by Ronald S Calinger, Princeton University Press, 2016, xvii+669pp, £40.95, ISBN 978-0-691-11927-4. Reviewed by Robin Wilson.

Literature after Euclid: the geometric imagination in the long Scottish Enlightenment, by Matthew Wickman, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016, 304pp, £60.00, ISBN 978-0-812-24795-4. Reviewed by Jocelyn Rodal.

Discovery of the First Asteroid, Ceres, by Clifford Cunningham, Springer, 2016, 333pp, £117, ISBN 978-3-319-21777-2. Reviewed by Paolo Bussotti.

The case of Academician Nikolai Nikolaevich Luzin, by Sergei S Demidov and Boris V Lëvshin, translated from the Russian by Roger Cooke, American Mathematical Society, 2016, 386 pp, £95.95, ISBN 978-1-470-42608-8. Reviewed by Christopher D Hollings.


Volume 33, Issue 2 (2018)


Fàtima Romero-Vallhonesta and M. Rosamassa-Esteve, ‘The main sources for the Arte Mayor in sixteenth century Spain’

Lukas M Verburgt, ‘A letter of Robert Leslie Ellis to William Walton on probability’

Lukas J A Stalpers and Edward L Kaplan, ‘Edward L. Kaplan and the Kaplan–Meier Survival Curve’



Finding Fibonacci: the quest to rediscover the forgotten mathematical genius who changed the world, by Keith Devlin, Princeton, 2017, 241pp, $29.95, ISBN 978-0-691-17486-0. Reviewed by Richard Simpson.

The early period of the calculus of variations, by Paolo Freguglia and Mariano Giaquinta, Birkhäuser, 2016, 293pp, £59.99, ISBN 978-3-319-38945-5. Reviewed by Ronald Calinger.

Images of Italian Mathematics in France: The Latin sisters, from Risorgimento to fascism, by Frédéric Brechenmacher et al. (eds), Birkhäuser, 2016, 324pp, £108, ISBN 978-3-319-40082-2. Reviewed by Christopher Hollings.

Mathematical knowledge and the interplay of practices, by José Ferreirós, Princeton University Press, 2016, 360pp, £37.95, ISBN 978-0-691-16751-0. Reviewed by Roy Wagner.


Volume 33, Issue 3 (2018)


Niccolò Guicciardini, ‘Un Altro Presente: on the historical interpretation of mathematical texts’

Norman Biggs, ‘Game, set, and graph’

Tony Crilly, ‘What became of Paul Dirac’s classmate?’



A Portable Cosmos: Revealing the Antikythera Mechanism, Scientific Wonder of the Ancient World, by Alexander Jones, Oxford University Press, 2017, 288 pp, £22.99, ISBN 978-0-199-73934-9. Reviewed by Christián C. Carman.

Giovanni Domenico Cassini: A Modern Astronomer in the 17th Century, by Gabriella Bernardi, Springer, 2017, xi + 186 pp, eBook £18.99, hardcover £23.99, ISBN 978-3-319-63467-8. Reviewed by Edmund Robertson.

The Calculus Story: A Mathematical Adventure, by David Acheson, Oxford University Press, 2017, 181pp, £11.99, ISBN 978-0-198-80454-3. Reviewed by Felix Feather.

“What the Tortoise Said to Achilles”: Lewis Carroll's Paradox of Inference, special issue of The Carrollian: The Lewis Carroll Journal  no. 28 (double issue), edited by Amirouche Moktefi and Francine F Abeles, November 2016, 136 pp, £10. Reviewed by Snezana Lawrence.

The Great Formal Machinery Works: Theories of Deduction and Computation at the Origins of the Digital Age, by Jan Von Plato, Princeton University Press, 2017, 400pp, £27.95, ISBN 978-0-691-17417-4. Reviewed by John W Dawson Jr.

Ten great ideas about chance, by Persi Diaconis and Brian Skyrms, Princeton University Press, 2018, 255 pp, £22.95, ISBN 978-0-691-17416-7. Reviewed by Tony Crilly.

American mathematics 1890–1913: catching up to Europe, by Steve Batterson, MAA Press, 2018, 230 pp, $50.00, ISBN 978-0-883-85590-4. Reviewed by Ellen Abrams.

Wonders beyond numbers: A brief history of all things mathematical, by Johnny Ball, Bloomsbury, 2018, 480 pp, £16.99, ISBN 978-1-472-93999-9. Reviewed by Liam McDonald.


Volume 34, Issue 1 (2019)


Anne Teather, Andrew Chamberlain & Mike Parker Pearson, ‘The chalk drums from Folkton and Lavant: Measuring devices from the time of Stonehenge’

Günhan Caglayan, ‘Theory of polygonal numbers with Cuisenaire rods manipulatives: Understanding Theon of Smyrna’s arithmetic in a history of mathematics classroom’

Emmylou Haffner, ‘From modules to lattices: Insight into the genesis of Dedekind's Dualgruppen

Michael Friedman, ‘Mathematical formalization and diagrammatic reasoning: the case study of the braid group between 1925 and 1950’

José María Almira, José Ángel Cid & Julio Ostalé, ‘When did Hermann Weyl pass away?’



Elizabethanne Boran and Mordechai Feingold (eds), Reading Newton in early modern Europe, Brill, 2017, x + 358 pp, $140.00 (hardback), ISBN 978-90-04-33664-3. Reviewed by Rebekah Higgitt.

The path to post-Galilean epistemology: reinterpreting the birth of modern science, by Danilo Capecchi, Springer, 2017, 533 pp., £80, ISBN 978-3-319-58309-9. Reviewed by Fiona Spencer.


Volume 34, Issue 2 (2019)


Helen Elizabeth Ross & Betty Irene Knott, ‘Dicuil (9th century) on triangular and square numbers’

John T. E. Richardson, ‘Who introduced Western mathematicians to Latin squares?’

Erik R. Tou, ‘Bernoullian influences on Leonhard Euler’s early fluid mechanics’

Kamilla Rekvenyi, ‘Paul Erdős’s mathematics as a social activity’ [winner of the BJHM Undergraduate Essay Prize]



Jacqueline Feke, Ptolemy’s philosophy: mathematics as a way of life, Princeton University Press, 2018, 256 pp., £30.00, ISBN 978-0-691-17958-2. Reviewed by Glen Van Brummelen.

Robin Wilson, Euler’s pioneering equation: the most beautiful theorem in mathematics, Oxford University Press, 2018, 176 pp., £14.99, ISBN 978-0-198-79492-9. Reviewed by Miranda Wood.

Dan Bouk, How our days became numbered: risk and the rise of the statistical individual, University of Chicago Press, 2015, xxx+294 pp, $30, ISBN 978-0-226-56486-9 (pb). Reviewed by Norman Biggs.


Volume 34, Issue 3 (2019)


José Antonio Camúñez-Ruiz & María Dolores Pérez-Hidalgo, ‘Juan Caramuel (1606–1682) and the Spanish version of the Passedix game’

Sian Zelbo, ‘The recreational mathematics activities of ordinary nineteenth century Americans: A case study of two mathematics puzzle columns and their contributors’

Alison Maidment & Mark McCartney, ‘“A man who has infinite capacity for making things go”: Sir Edmund Taylor Whittaker (1873–1956)’



Visual culture and mathematics in the early modern period, by Ingrid Alexander-Skipnes (ed), London: Taylor & Francis, 2017, 214 pp., £120 (hbk), ISBN 978-1-1386-7938-2. Reviewed by Albrecht Heefer.

A common family weakness for statistics: essays on Francis Galton, George Darwin and the normal curve of evolutionary biology, by Chris Pritchard, Mathematical Association, 2018, 127 pp, £9.00, ISBN 978-1-911616-03-0. Reviewed by Dorothy Leddy.

L’Élite sous la mitraille: les normaliens, les mathématiques et la Grande Guerre, 1900–1925, by David Aubin, Editions Rue d’Ulm, 2018, 374 pp, 25€, ISBN 978-2-7288-0603-4. Reviewed by Matthew Findlay.


Volume 35, Issue 1 [Special Issue: Mathematics, Networks and Practices around Early Modern Scotland Guest Editor: Isobel Falconer] (2020)


Philip Beeley, ‘“There are great alterations in the geometry of late”: The rise of Isaac Newton’s early Scottish circle’

Davide Crippa, ‘Beating untrodden paths: James Gregory and his Italian readers’

Alex D D Craik, ‘George Sinclair’s neglected Treatises: some influences and reactions’

Olivier Bruneau, ‘Colin Maclaurin (1698–1746): a Newtonian between theory and practice’

Jane Wess, ‘Colin Maclaurin (1698–1746) and his contemporaries on wind and water: the local and the universal’



Tartaglia’s science of weights and mechanics in the sixteenth century. Selections from Quesiti et inventioni diverse: Books VII–VIII, by Raffaele Pisano and Danilo Capecchi, Springer, 2016, xviii+504 pp, eBook €86.86, pbk €106.90, hbk €135.19. Reviewed by Michael Segre.

Descriptive geometry, the spread of a polytechnic art: the legacy of Gaspard Monge, by Évelyne Barbin, Marta Menghini, Klaus Volkert, eds, Springer, 2019, xiii + 437 pp., €89.99 (ebook), €114.39 (hardcover), ISBN 978-3-030-14808-9. Reviewed by Jeremy Gray.

A richer picture of mathematics: the Göttingen tradition and beyond, by David Rowe, Springer, 2018, xix+461 pp, £127.50, ISBN 978-3-3196-7818-4. Reviewed by Christopher D. Hollings.

The discrete charm of the machine: why the world became digital, by Ken Steiglitz, Princeton University Press, 2019, 235 pp, £22, ISBN 978-0-691-17943-8. Reviewed by Troy Astarte.

Africa and mathematics: from colonial findings back to the Ishango Rods, by Dirk Huylebrouck, Springer, 2019, xv + 229 pp, £21.99 (eBook), £27.99 (hardback), ISBN 978-3-0300-4036-9. Reviewed by Martin A. MacBeath.


Volume 35, Issue 2 (2020)


C. Philipp E. Nothaft, ‘Medieval Europe’s satanic ciphers: on the genesis of a modern myth’

Sepideh Alassi, ‘Jacob Bernoulli’s analyses of the Funicularia problem’

Alex D D Craik, ‘Henry Parr Hamilton (1794–1880) and analytical geometry at Cambridge’



The history of mathematics: a source-based approach volume 1, by June Barrow-Green, Jeremy Gray, and Robin Wilson (eds.), MAA Press, 2019, 488 + xiii pp, $89, ISBN 978-1-4704-4352-8. Reviewed by Leo Rogers.

99 Variations on a proof, by Philip Ording, Princeton University Press, 2019, 272 pp, £22.00, ISBN 978-0-69115-883-9. Reviewed by Fenner Stanley Tanswell.

The mathematical world of Charles L. Dodgson (Lewis Carroll), by Robin Wilson and Amirouche Moktefi (eds.), Oxford University Press, 2019, 288 pp, £29.99, ISBN 978-0-1988-1700-0. Reviewed by Volker Peckhaus.



Isobel Falconer, ‘Professor Alexander (Alex) D. D. Craik: 1938–2019’


Volume 35, Issue 3 (2020)


Deepak Basyal, ‘A mathematical poetry book from Nepal’

Jacques Bair, Piotr Błaszczyk, Elías Fuentes Guillén, Peter Heinig, Vladimir Kanovei and Mikhail G. Katz, ‘Continuity between Cauchy and Bolzano: issues of antecedents and priority’

Ellen Abrams, ‘“An inalienable prerogative of a liberated spirit”: postulating American mathematics’ [winner of the 2018–19 Taylor and Francis Early Career Prize]



Pythagoras’ legacy, by Marcel Danesi, Oxford University Press, 2020, 167 pp., £25, ISBN 978-0198852247. Reviewed by Tony Crilly.

Heavenly numbers. Astronomy and authority in early imperial China, by Christopher Cullen, Oxford University Press, 2017, 448pp, £74, ISBN 978-0-1987-3311-9. Reviewed by Joseph W. Dauben.

Leonhard Euler’s Letters to a German Princess: A milestone in the history of physics textbooks and more, by Ronald S. Calinger, Ekaterina (Katya) Denisova, and Elena N. Polyakhova, Morgan & Claypool, 2019, xvii + 214 pp, pb £78.95, hb £98.95, ISBN 978-1-64327-189-7. Reviewed by Annie McQuoid.

Women who count: Honoring African American women mathematicians, by Shelly M. Jones, American Mathematical Society, 2020, xiii+138pp., $15.00, ISBN 978-1-4704-4889-9. Reviewed by Kathleen M Clark.


Volume 36 Issue 1 (2021) 


Norman Biggs, ‘Decoding chancery records from the 1240s’

Marcio Alves Diniz and David Richard Bellhouse, ‘David Gregory, John Arbuthnot and their roles in the early development of probability in Great Britain’

Joaquim Berenguer, ‘Introducing differential calculus in Spain: The fluxion of the product and the quadrature of curves by Tomàs Cerdà’



Thomas Harriot: a life in science, by Robyn Arianrhod, Oxford University Press, 2019, 376 pp, £19.99, ISBN 978-0-19027-185-5. Reviewed by Ciarán Mac an Bhaird.

New light on George Boole, by Desmond MacHale and Yvonne Cohen, Cork University Press, 2018, 492pp, £13.75, ISBN 978-1782052906. Reviewed by Gavin Hitchcock.

Hot molecules, cold electrons, by Paul Nahin, Princeton University Press, 2020, 212 pp, $24.95, ISBN 978-0-6911-9172-0. Reviewed by Paul Ranford.

Dirichlet. A mathematical biography, by Uta C. Merzbach, Birkhäuser, 2018, xix + 311 pp., hardback £89.99, e-book £71.50, ISBN 978-3-03001-071-3. Reviewed by Gert Schubring.

Volume 36, Issue 2


Christopher D Hollings, ‘Peter M Neumann OBE (1940–2020)’



Robin Wilson & Raymond Flood, ‘The BSHM: the first fifty years’

Renae Satterley, ‘Mathematical books and Frankfurt book fair catalogues: the acquisition of mathematical works by Robert Ashley in early modern London’

Carl-Fredrik Nyberg-Brodda, ‘The B B Newman spelling theorem’


Volume 36, Issue 3


Gonzalo Luis Recio, ‘Kepler’s derivation of the bisection of the earth’s orbit in Astronomia Nova

Jacques Bair, Piotr Błaszczyk, Robert Ely, Mikhail G. Katz & Karl Kuhlemann, ‘Procedures of Leibnizian infinitesimal calculus: an account in three modern frameworks’

John Aldrich, ‘Mathematical women in the British Isles 1878–1940: using the Davis archive’


Calculus Gems by George F. Simmons, MAA Press, 2020. Reprint of the 1992 original published by McGraw-Hill. 355 pp, print and eBook both $55.00, ISBN 978-1-47045-128-8. Reviewed by Daniel E. Otero.

Volume 37, Issue 1


Amie Morrison and Isobel Falconer, ‘Women’s participation in mathematics in Scotland, 1730–1850’

John D Bullock, Ronald E Warwar and H Bradford Hawley, ‘Why was Leonhard Euler blind?’

N H Bingham and W J Krzanowski, ‘Linear algebra and multivariate analysis in statistics: development and interconnections in the twentieth century’

P H Enflo, M S Moslehian and J B Seoane-Sepúlveda, ‘A history of solving some famous problems in mathematical analysis’


William Morgan, Eighteenth-century actuary, mathematician and radical by Nicola Bruton Bennetts, University of Wales Press, 2020, xxix+258 pp., £16.99, ISBN 978-1-78683-618-2. Reviewed by Norman Biggs.

Symbols and things: mathematics in the age of steam by Kevin Lambert, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2021, 330 pp, $55.00, ISBN 978-0-82294-683-0. Reviewed by Jane Wess.


Volume 37, Issue 2 [Special issue: ‘Mathematics in Times of Crisis’. Guest editor: Isobel Falconer]


Peggy Kidwell, ‘Mathematical instruments from times of crisis’

Stefano Gulizia, ‘Kepler’s snow: the epistemic playfulness of geometry in seventeenth-century Europe’

Michael Friedman, ‘Metaphorical reactions in 1932: from the mathematical “crisis of intuition” to “reconstruction in the exact sciences”’


Einstein, Eddington, e o/and the Eclipse: Impressões de Viagem/Travel Impressions by Ana Simões and Ana Matilde de Sousa, Chile com Carne, 2019, 248 pp, €15, ISBN 978-9898363411. Reviewed by Deborah Kent.


Volume 37, Issue 3


Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze, ‘Another look at the two Egyptian pyramid volume ‘formulas’ of 1850 BCE’

Jeffrey Oaks, ‘Zero and nothing in medieval Arabic arithmetic’

Ana Patrícia Martins and Teresa Sousa, ‘Formulations of the inclusion–exclusion principle from Legendre to Poincaré, with emphasis on Daniel Augusto da Silva’

Anne van Weerden, ‘Alice without quaternions: another look at the mad tea-party’

Irene Salas-García, Irene Polo-Blanco and María José González-López, ‘Instrument for evaluating historical resources in mathematics textbooks’