Accessibility & Diversity Survey

Accessibility & Diversity Survey

The BSHM's Accessibility & Diversity Working Group (ADWG) was formed recently with the aim of improving how the Society addresses the varied needs of its members, improving inclusion for underrepresented groups and making sure everyone can safely and easily enjoy the Society and its events. 

To help us achieve these goals, we wanted to know more about the members that make up our Society. So we put together a questionnaire to help us understand the backgrounds and needs of members. The survey is now closed, but information on it is preserved below for your information.

Completing the Questionnaire

The Questionnaire comprises a small number of questions, all of which are optional. Please answer as many as you feel comfortable with, but it is fine to leave as many blank as you need. 

Most of the questions ask you to choose the most fitting answer from a drop-down. Some questions will then also provide you with an additional text field if you want to write in a more specific answer. 

The options available are based on those presented on UK government surveys, such as the census. Options are sorted alphabetically and do not indicate any kind of priority or preference. 

The data

The survey will be open for 3 months. Once it is closed, the raw data will be downloaded and stored only offline, on the computers of the Data Controller and the Web Admin. This data will not be shared any further. It is already anonymous.

Once the data is downloaded, it will be aggregated into reports. Only at that point will it be shared with the full BSHM Council and the ADWG.  These reports will be used to inform our policy for accessibility and diversity reasons. 

These surveys may be repeated periodically to gain more up-to-date information, but not more than every three years. After a new survey is complete, raw data from the old survey will be deleted.

If at any time after the survey you wish for your individual data to be deleted from the backups kept by the Data Controller and Web Admin, you can request this and it will be done. Your data cannot be removed from the aggregated and anonymised reports because it will no longer be possible to identify your specific data.